When life becomes challenging, some people believe it is their fate, some people believe its others that have caused it through malpractice or hatred. This can make it hard to deal with the challenges and make the right choices.
People can live through their life believing that they deserve more, they deserve better and compare their own life to others’. But this only makes them sad, envious, or angry. It brings negative emotions.
People can also live through their life believing that they can achieve more, believe they can improve, develop their skills, and deepen their knowledge. When people do something that was challenge, for instance, climb a mountain, make a new dish, win at a game, drive to a new place, pass their driving test etc. they feel good, they feel a sense of achievement and it promotes positive emotions.
Positive emotions help you to think more clearly.
“Among the many health benefits of positive emotions is a reduction in stress and a boost to general well-being. Positive emotions can actually act as a buffer between you and stressful events in your life, allowing you to cope more effectively and preserve your mental health”
What Are Positive Emotions in Psychology? (+List & Examples) (positivepsychology.com)
As a parent/carer of a child or young person with SEND, you may find yourself faced with challenges. It can become time consuming and the challenges you face may bring you negative emotions and you may feel out of control with what is happening. At SENDIASS we support and advise many parents who are going through this and aim to empower parents and carers to enable them to feel positive about reaching their goal for their child/young person.
When you feel that you are faced with a challenge and it is intense, making you feel and think negative, it is important to bring positivity back into your life. Force the positive vibes back into your life by doing things you enjoy; complete challenges you know you can achieve and embrace and enjoy and celebrate those feelings.
Positive feelings will help you to think clearly and make informed decisions.
This is why people may say to you, “make time for yourself”. If you have positivity in your life, you will feel empowered and clear minded to make the right decisions when faced with challenges in other aspects of your life.