You can download a copy of this information and some more resources relating to EHCPS here:
EHCP information Sheet
EHCNA parental Preparation sheet
Timeline for requesting an EHCP
What is an Education Health and Care Plan?
An Education, Health and Care plan (EHCP) describes your child’s special educational needs (SEN) and the help they will get to meet them. An EHCP also includes any health and care provision that is needed. It is a legal document written by the local authority and is intended to ensure that children and young people with an EHCP receive the support they need.
EHCPs replaced Statements of Special Educational Need and Section 139 Learning Difficulty Assessments (LDA) on 1 September 2014.
EHCPs are for children and young people who need more support than their school or other setting can provide. The plans can start from a child’s birth and continue into further education and training (from 0 to 25).
Who needs an EHC Plan?
EHCPs are for children and young people who have a special educational need or disability that cannot be met by the support that is available at their school or college.
Most children and young people with special educational needs will have help given to them without the need for an EHCP. This is called SEN support.
The purpose of SEN support is to help children achieve the outcomes or learning objectives that have been set for them. Some children and young people may not make the progress expected of them even with this help. When this happens the Local Authority carry out an EHC needs assessment. A few children and young people have such significant difficulties/needs that an EHC needs assessment should not be delayed.
What should an EHCP be about?
The SEND Code of Practice says that EHCPs should:
- Be based on decisions made openly, and with parents, children and young people
- Describe what the child or young person can do
- Be clear, concise, understandable and accessible
- Consider how best to achieve the outcomes for the child or young person. They must take into account the evidence from the EHC needs assessment
- Specify clear outcomes
- Consider alternative ways of providing support if a parent or young person wishes it. This could include having a Personal Budget
- Show how education, health and care provision will be co-ordinated
- Be forward looking – for example, anticipating, planning and commissioning for important transition points in a child or young person’s life
- Describe how informal support as well as formal support from statutory agencies can help in achieving agreed outcomes
- Have a review date.
There is a full list of principles and requirements in the SEND Code of Practice section 9.61.
What is included in an EHCP?
Every EHCP must include at least 12 sections, but each local authority can decide how to set these out.
The sections are:
A: The views, interests and aspirations of you and your child or the young person.
B: Your child’s or young person’s special educational needs.
C: Health needs related to their SEN or to a disability.
D: Social care needs related to their SEN or to a disability.
E: Planned outcomes for your child or the young person.
F: Special educational provision. Provision must be specified for each and every need shown in section B.
G: Any health provision required that is related to their SEN or to a disability.
H1: Any social care provision that must be made for your child or young person under 18.
H2: Any other social care provision required that is related to their SEN or to a disability.
I: The name and type of the school, maintained nursery school, post-16 institution or other institution to be attended.
J: Details of how any personal budget will support particular outcomes and the provision it will be used for.
K: The advice and information gathered during the EHC needs assessment
Where the child or young person is in or beyond year 9, the EHCP must also include the provision required by your child or young person to help prepare for adulthood and independent living.
You can read the full list of what must be included in each
Section in the SEND Code of Practice sections 9.62 and 9.63.
Can I request a particular school?
The law says that parents or the young person has a right to request that a particular school, college or other institution is named in the EHCP. The Local Authority must agree to this request unless:
- It would be unsuitable for the age, ability, aptitude or SEN of the child or young person, or
- The attendance of the child or young person there would be incompatible with the efficient education of others, or the efficient use of resources
You can find out more about your rights to request a particular school or college in the SEND Code of Practice sections 9.78 to 9.90.
How will I be involved?
The SEND Code of Practice says:
“Local authorities must consult the child and the child’s
parent or the young person throughout the process of
assessment and production of an EHCP.” (9.21)
“Reviews must be undertaken in partnership with the child and their parent or the young person, and must take account of their views, wishes and feelings, including their right to request a Personal Budget.” (9.168)
Your views, and your child’s views, are really important. The local authority, school or college should help you take part and involve you in decision making. If you would like help to do this please contact Bradford SENDIASS for impartial advice and support. We can also give you information on other sources of help, and on what to do if you do not feel that you have been heard or listened to.
Will there be a review of the EHCP?
The local authority must review the EHCP at least once every 12 months. This must be done in partnership with you and your child or the young person, and must take account of your views, wishes and feelings.
The local authority must decide whether to keep the plan as it is, make changes, or cease to maintain it within four weeks of the review meeting. You have a right of appeal if the local authority proposes to cease the EHCP.
For some young people an EHCP will continue until they are 25. However the plan will stop if the young person:
- Goes to university
- Gets a job
- Tells their local authority they no longer want their EHCP, or,
- No longer needs special help and the local authority decides that the EHCP should cease.
You can find out more about reviews of EHCPs at:
What can I do if I am not happy about the EHCP?
The first step is to contact the school, college or local authority to discuss your concerns.
Bradford SENDIASS can give you impartial advice and support and explain your options. This may include independent disagreement resolution, mediation or going to appeal.
What happens if I move to another local authority area?
If you plan to move to another local authority area you should contact the ‘old’ and the ’new’ local authorities so the support specified in the EHCP will be in place. The ‘new’ authority will amend the plan and name the new school or college.
The ‘old’ local authority must transfer the EHCP on the day of the move, as long as it has had 15 working days’ notice.
Where can I get more information, advice or support?
You can find out more about SEN Support by:
- looking at the SEN policy on the school website
- talking to your child’s teacher or the Special Educational Needs Coordinator
- looking at the Local Offer
- reading Chapter 6 of the SEND Code of Practice
How do I request an EHC needs assessment?
You or your child’s school can ask the local authority to make an EHC needs assessment. When this assessment is finished the local authority must decide whether to issue an EHCP.
If you wish to make a parent request for an EHC needs assessment you can do this online:
You will need to register an account if you ae not already done so.
You can also watch the video which shows each step of the portal alongside some hints and tips!
Access the video by clicking this link:
EHCNA Preparation Sheet
We have developed a Parental preparation sheet for you to use to prepare your answers to the questions before accessing the portal. You can view the questions below or you can download a copy of the preparation sheet to be printed.
This information sheet will prompt you to gather relevant information and prepare written responses before you access the online request form.
The online form has nine steps in total which are described below:
Step 1
Personal details of the parent/carer submitting the request (including name, address, and contact details)
Parent/Carer name
Relationship to child
Telephone Number
Email Address
Language used at home
Details of any interpretation/access support needed for the family
First preferred method of contact
(Email, telephone or post)
Second preferred method of contact
(Email, telephone or post)
Third preferred method of contact
(Email, telephone or post)
Step 2
NHS number of the child/ Young person
(if not known leave blank)
Step 3
Details of professionals currently working with the child/ young person.
Professionals Name
Telephone Number
Email address
Guidance on completing Step 4 and Step 5:
In the next two sections you are asked to provide details about the child/young person. We advise that you keep in mind the legal test that the LA considers when requested to carry out an EHC needs assessment. The legal test is:
- a) whether the child or young person has or may have special educational needs (“SEN”); and
- b) whether they may need special educational provision to be made through an EHC plan.
If the answer to both questions is yes, they must carry out an EHC needs assessment. Therefore, try to make sure you have detailed the special educational need or disability the child or young person has/may have (meets part A), and detail the support your child/young person needs or may need which the majority of pupils of the same age do not need.
Step 4
(Max 3,000 words per answer)
Please provide a brief description of your child’s background
What are their strengths?
What do you admire most about them?
What is currently working for them?
What is currently not working so well for them at the moment?
What are your aspirations for your child’s future in the medium term?
What are your aspirations for your child’s future in the long term?
Do you have any other comments?
Step 5
(Max 3,000 words per answer)
What do they like and admire most about themselves?
What do they like doing?
What makes them happy?
What do they feel they are good at?
What do they feel they aren’t so good at?
What do they think helps them to learn?
What do they feel keeps them healthy?
How would they like people to communicate with them?
What would they like to do when they are older?
Step 6
To be completed by the parent/carer:
Request for assessment: I am in agreement with this request that the Local Authority undertakes a statutory EHC needs assessment for my child.
Requesting and sharing information: I give the Local Authority permission to share my/my child’s personal details including religious beliefs, ethnicity, and data concerning health (including NHS number) with relevant professionals and organisations – such as Education, Health and Social Care – to gather evidence for this statutory EHC needs assessment.
Permission to observe: I give permission for any relevant agency or provider to observe my child in their current setting to provide information to the Local Authority on how best to support their needs.
Permission to consult: I give the Local Authority permission to consult with a range of local schools / post-16 institutions / early years providers in the event that my child requires additional support.
Opting out: I understand that I have the right to opt out of any/all of the agreements above at any time, and am aware that by doing so, the statutory EHC needs assessment will immediately cease to continue.
Parent Signature
Step 7
To be completed by the young person if they are 16 or over:
Young person consent and declaration note: after the end of the academic year in which the young person turns 16 (normally Year 11) the right to make requests and decisions under the Children and Families Act 2014 applies to young people directly, rather than to their parents. Parents, or other family members, can continue to support young people in decision making, or act on their behalf, provided that the young person is happy for them to do so.
Request for assessment: I am in agreement with this request that the Local Authority undertakes a statutory EHC needs assessment on my behalf.
Requesting and sharing information: I give the Local Authority permission to share my personal details including religious belief, ethnicity, and data concerning health (including NHS number) with relevant professionals and organisations – such as Education, Health and Social Care – to gather evidence for this statutory EHC needs assessment. I give the Local Authority Permission to request any information about me regarding this statutory EHC needs assessment.
Permission to observe: I give permission for any relevant agency or provider to meet, observe and assess me in my current setting to provide information to the Local Authority on how best to support me.
Permission to consult: I give the Local Authority permission to consult with a range of local schools / post-16 institutions in the event that I may require additional support.
Opting out: I understand that I have the right to opt out of any/all of the agreements above at any time, and am aware that by doing so, the statutory EHC needs assessment will immediately cease to continue.
Are you happy to liaise with the local authority directly throughout the EHC assessment? (YES or NO)
If no, I nominate the following person to act on my behalf throughout the EHC assessment (Please include contact details)
Young Person’s Signature
Step 8
Upload documents or reports to support the request. You may wish to include:
- Diagnostic/ medical reports
- Speech and Language reports
- Educational psychologist’s reports
- Exclusion letters
- School reports
- Paediatrician reports
- Social care
This list is not exhaustive, and you may have other documents which provide evidence that your child/young person requires an EHC assessment to take place.
If reports or documents are not available or have not been sought, do not worry, if the Local authority agree to carry out an assessment, they will request certain professionals to undertake assessments that will generate reports.
Step 9
Confirm details are correct and submit the form.
Once you have submitted the form through the online portal, the Local Authority have 6 weeks to make a decision as to whether to carry out a needs assessment or not. You will be notified of the decision and if it is refused you will receive a decision letter which gives you the right to appeal. (see appealing the refusal to carry out a needs assessment tab below)
You can download a copy of this information and some more resources relating to EHCPS here:
EHCP information Sheet
EHCNA parental Preparation sheet
Timeline for requesting an EHCP