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Liverpool & Knowsley FAQs

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Welcome to Barnardo's

Welcome to Barnardo’s, we will be providing Liverpool and Knowsley’s SENDIAS service with effect from the 1st April 2023.

We appreciate that change can bring uncertainty, but we are here to reassure you that we are working hard and investing in the development of this Service to provide you with quality information, support and advice at the time you need it most.

Barnardo’s have over 40 years of experience providing support to children, young people, parents and carers in the North West, and we are delighted to expand on that support with the addition of this Service.

WIRED will continue to deliver the SENDIAS Service until the 31st March 2023, so if you need any information, advice or support prior to the 31st March 2023, please contact the SENDIAS Service on 0800 012 9066 as normal.


Frequently Asked Questions

 Do Barnardo’s have any experience in delivering SENDIAS Services? – Yes, Barnardo’s currently provide SENDIAS services in other parts of the UK and have a dedicated website tailored to the offer locally. The Liverpool and Knowsley SENDIASS page will be added to this website and will be live on 1st April 2023

 Will the current contact details I have for Liverpool and Knowsley SENDIAS Service delivered by WIRED still be in use from 1st April? No - we will have new email contact details; new helpline numbers that will be published on the website and shared via local authority websites, social media, parent/carer forums and other partner agencies.

 If I have contacted the existing service and have not yet had a response, will I need to contact Barnardo’s to request support or advice again – No, Barnardo’s will be working through any existing back log and will contact you as soon as possible.

If I have a current active case, will I keep the same worker? The current SENDIASS team have been given the opportunity to transfer to Barnardo’s, and we are excited to welcome them, however staff may choose not to transfer.  We will aim to provide consistency wherever possible and any new worker would have access to your casefile history

 How quickly will Barnardo’s respond to my queries? – There is a back log of enquiries which will be working through from the 1st of April, and we apologise for not being able to give you a specific time for when we will contact you, but we will do as soon as we can. Following this we will then be in a position to share an agreed contracted response time for future queries.

 If I have previously used the Service but do not have an active case, will Barnardo’s have all my details and case history in the event I wish to use the Service again? -  No,  Barnardo’s will only receive data relating to active cases, you can use the Service to access further support from the team,  however, they will not have your details/history, so you will need to provide these

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